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Relationships and Sex Education

Journey In Love

Journey In Love is the RSE (Relationship and Sex Education) scheme that we follow here at St Cecilia's. It is the recommended programme of study for Catholic Schools and has been written so that each year group build on their knowledge and awareness. It also supports our Come and See programme, PHSE and Science curriculum that is taught within our school.

Throughout the programme an aspect of the mystery of love is focused upon and children are encouraged to marvel at the beauty of God's creative love.

As with all aspects of learning, children are naturally curious and many will have questions related to their lessons. Opportunities to discuss these questions will form part of the lesson and will be treated with care and understanding. A Journey In Love highlights the importance of parental input and children will be told to discuss their lessons at home.

If you have any further questions, or would like to see the Archdiocesan approved teaching materials, please feel free to contact Ms Patterson - R.E Lead Teacher.