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Class 4-2

Welcome to our class page, scroll down to see what our class is doing this term! 


Important information

PE Lessons
Our PE days are currently Monday, Wednesday and Thursday for this half term.
English homework: On Monday, a Reading Comprehension or SPaG will be set. This is due on Wednesday. 

Maths homework: On Wednesday, maths on This is due on Friday. 
The Freckle class code is hampsg

Spellings: Each Friday, the pupils will be tested on their weekly spellings, which will be handed out the previous Friday and will be set on Spellingframe.

New spellings will be on Spellingframe to be practised for the following week these will be set on Wednesday. 

Reading: Please try your best to read four times a week for a gold star! Please bring reading books and reading diaries in every day! 

All log-in details can be found in the children’s reading records.


Useful Websites


We are mathematicians!

We are writers!

We are scientists!



We are religious!

We are Historians!



We are musicians!




We are artists!


We are inventors!

We are computational thinkers!