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School Council

This year we...

We are exploring United Nation's 'Convention on the Rights of the Child'. This convention lead to the creation of 42 articles, explicitly defining the rights that all children should have. In term 1 of this year, we learnt about these 42 articles and some of our councillors watched presentations providing more information at the Archdiocese of Liverpool. In term 2, another group of councillors will attend an event at Liverpool's Town Hall, during which children will form their own opinions on how best these articles can be implemented in our school and beyond. 

Our School Councillors 2024-25 


Last year we ...

At our first school council meeting with Mr Wood last year, we discussed new ideas to help improve the school we live in. Together, we came up with three aims, which are:

  1. Encourage children to bring healthy snacks for break time.
  2. Promote outdoor learning 
  3. Encourage 'wear your own clothes days' to promote charity days

We will meet every month and discuss solutions to problems and ways to raise money for facilities and selected charities :)

Our School Council 2022-2023

Our first school council meeting!

We have organised a 'book swap' activity. Children can bring in a book they have read and children can buy another book for 50p. All money will go towards our fundraising challenge for October.