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"A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots."
Marcus Garvey

Mission Statement

Rooted in gospel values St Cecilia’s Catholic School Community lives together, learns together, loves together.

Vision Statement

At St. Cecilia’s Primary School we believe the study of history should inspire children’s curiosity, encourage them to ask critical questions and enable them to have a better understanding of the society in which they live and the wider world. History helps pupils to understand the process of change, the diversity of societies as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time. Beginning with EYFS, Children will develop their understanding from within living memory to by the end of Year 6, having a chronological understanding of key areas covered within our curriculum. We want our children to become historians, critically analysing different sources of information, learning where they fit in history and gaining chronological understanding of the different eras and civilisations. They will establish a sense of their own identity within a social, political, cultural and economic background. Children will develop their understanding of our local area, Liverpool, and how it has changed into the multicultural city it is today.  Children will consider connections, contrasts and trends over time and develop the appropriate use of vocabulary and historical terminology. Because of this, we feel it is important for the subject to be incorporated into a full-term focus through a central theme by answering a Big Question with opportunities to develop other curriculum subjects and values, at the same time, toward an authentic outcome. 

Milestones by Year Group and Progression Maps

For KS1 at St Cecilia's Catholic Junior School, we complete three, six-week history lessons every half-term. 

In year 1, our enquiry questions are: 

  • Toys: How have toys changed over time?
  • The Beatles: Why are The Beatles still popular today?
  • Queens of Britain (Queen Victoria vs. Queen Elizabeth II): How are Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II similar and different?

In year 2, our enquiry questions are: 

  • The Titanic: What can we learn from the sinking of the Titanic?
  • The Great Fire of London: What were the impacts of the Great Fire of London?
  • Famous People (Katherine Johnson & Neil Armstrong): How did Katherine Johnson and Neil Armstrong change our understanding of space?

At St Cecilia's Catholic Junior School, the teaching of history in KS2 is at the heart of the Autumn Term's 'Find Out' theme. Each year group will embark upon meaningful projects to answer a 'BIG QUESTION'. 

Year 3 - How did tools help us to survive during the prehistoric era? (A study of The Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age)

Year 4 - How did the Romans change Britain? (A study of the Romans)

Year 5 - How did the Victorian era help to change and shape the Liverpool we know today? (A study of The Victorians, also a local history study)

Year 6 - What impact did WW2 have on people around the world? (A study of WW2)

Year 3 history project - ‘How did tools help us to survive during the prehistoric era?’

Year 3 went to Tatton Park for a prehistoric experience!

Year 4 history project - ‘How did the Romans make England their home?’

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Year 5 history project - ‘How did the Victorian era help change and shape the Liverpool we know today?’

Year 6 history project - ‘What was the impact WWII had around the world?’

Here at St Cecilia's, we love learning about history. Here is what the pupils has to say about history:



This is the work completed from the acedemic year 2023/24:

Take a look at some of the amazing work that the children completed during their projects!

Year 3 history project - ‘How did tools help us to survive during the prehistoric era?’


Year 4 history project - ‘How did the Romans make England their home?’

Year 5 history project - ‘How did the Victorian era help change and shape the Liverpool we know today?’

A local study of the Victorian times in Liverpool and the impact that still lives today.

Year 6 history project - ‘What was the impact WWII had around the world?’

A study of the impact of WWII and the impact it had on people's day to day life.

Have a look at what History looked like in 2022-2023!

We have specific quizzes, which links in with our curriculum, to help children remember their previous history topic.

Year 3 history project - ‘How did tools help us to survive during the prehistoric era?’ 

A study of human tools and how they have changed during prehistory, from Stone Age through Bronze and Iron Age.

Year 4 history project - ‘How did the Romans make England their home?’

A study of how Britain was changed by the Romans and how they made England their home.

Year 5 history project - ‘How did the Victorian era help change and shape the Liverpool we know today?’

A local study of the Victorian times in Liverpool and the impact that still lives today.

Year 6 history project - ‘What was the impact WWII had around the world?’

A study of the impact of WWII and the impact it had on people's day to day life.

Pupil voice:

Year 3

"I've realised this year, that we can bring things back to life!" Lyla

Year 4

"I liked learning about Boudicca, it just goes to show, that women were fearless even in the Roman days." Temilade 

Year 5

"It's good to know where we come from, and how we have got to where we are today!" Robert

Year 6

It's crazy how much we have changed over a short period of time" - Stevie

History Curriculum Overview